
Helpful Links
Please click the link to go to the website:
Resource center for information on home funeral and green burial options in Pennsylvania. They provide affordable consulting and practical support for families who wish to manage after death care and natural burial of their loved ones.
Samaritan Healthcare and Hospice
Widows and Widowers
Meetings second Tuesday of each month in the Gloucester County Library, Rt. 45, Mullica Hill, NJ, 2:00-3:30 PM. For info call Marge at 856 423-2880
Green Bural Council
Information and outreach on environmentally friendly, sustainable burial; certifies green burial providers, and provides information about them.

Need More Information?
We always appreciate the opportunity to be of service, even if it's just to answer your questions.

Please let us know...
Should you know of a resource in our community that provides assistance or helpful information to grieving families, please let us know so that we can list it here.
Thank you!